At the New Jersey and New York criminal defense law firm, Stahl Gasiorowski Criminal Defense Lawyers, we have defended individuals charged with drug crimes and drug trafficking since 1997, and are fully experienced and knowledgeable in drug crime defense. We are familiar with the varying laws of New Jersey and New York State. We have negotiated with state and federal prosecutors, and have successfully defended at trial and through plea negotiations dozens of alleged drug crime offenders.
If you have been charged with drug trafficking or other drug-related charges, contact a legal team that includes a formerAssistant United States Attorney and prosecutor. Call Stahl Gasiorowski Criminal Defense Lawyers, at 908-301-9001 or contact us online.
The Consequences of a Drug Crimes Conviction Are Severe
Federal and state laws provide severe penalties for those convicted of drug offenses, including lengthy mandatory prison sentences. Enhancements to drug charges will likely greatly increase the legal consequence of a conviction. Enhancements can include:
- Prior offenses
- Crimes that occur in proximity to schools, hospitals and parks
- The presence or use of weapons
- The occurrence of injuries or death
Our lawyers are fully experienced in all types of drug charges, including drug trafficking, distributing and selling, drug possession with intent to distribute and drug charges relating to prescription drugs. Our entire team possesses strong backgrounds in criminal defense, including past work with a prominent defense law firm, experience in criminal appellate court and past experience as a prosecutor.
We Understand How to Defend Against Drug Charges
Even if you believe the evidence against you is overwhelming, we can help. We can work to:
- Identify faults in police procedures
- Have evidence dismissed
- Negotiate favorable dispositions
- Argue for reduced sentences
- Fight ineligibility for parole
- Fight to avoid enhanced penalties
Contact Our New York and New Jersey Drug Trafficking Defense Attorneys
Protect your rights. For questions regarding criminal defense of drug charges and drug trafficking, including charges relating to cocaine and marijuana, contact Stahl Gasiorowski Criminal Defense Lawyers. Our offices are located in Westfield, New Jersey and Manhattan. Contact us online or call us at 908-301-9001.
Contact Us
Stahl Gasiorowski Criminal Defense Lawyers P.C.
Westfield, New Jersey Office
53 Cardinal Drive, 3rd Floor
Westfield, NJ 07090
Telephone: 908-301-9001
Fax: 908-301-9008
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Stahl Gasiorowski Criminal Defense Lawyers P.C.
New York City, New York Office
52 Duane St
New York, NY 10007-1207
Telephone: 212-755-3300
Fax: 908-301-9008
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