Inside Jersey Magazine is the Star-Ledger publication that has more than 100,000 readers each month.
When it wanted an interesting New Jersey professional for the “Take 5” profile page in their 2015 holiday edition it called on criminal defense attorney Robert G. Stahl.
A former federal prosecutor with private practice offices in New Jersey and New York City, Stahl has represented defendants in high-profile cases here and abroad.
Read the Inside Jersey profile
of Defense Attorney Robert G. Stahl
Before leaving government service Stahl won two of the highest U.S. Department of Justice awards for his prosecution of the biggest international fuel excise tax case of its day.
The Inside Jersey editor asked Stahl about his days as a police officer and whether they have helped him to defend individuals and corporations charged with white-collar crime.
He also talked about the courtroom persona a skilled litigator needs to argue his client’s innocence in front of a jury ,and also commented on the art of cross-examining witnesses.
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