Criminal Charges

When Special Agents with the FBI or IRS question you, you will want the best defense team to help navigate any interviews or subpeonas. Politely tell the agents that while you would like to talk with them, you need to contact your attorney and that they will get back to them.  Ask them for their business cards so that you can give the information to your attorney.  If they don’t have cards, write down their names, agency and contact information.  Do not talk with them about the subject matter of their investigation.  After they leave, contact an experienced criminal defense attorney to discuss your rights, potential exposure and your options.

More Junk Science – Bitemark Analysis

For years, courts around the country have admitted “expert” testimony on bitemark analysis. These so-called experts have opined that bitemarks on human skin, often presented in sexual assault and murder trials, are distinct and “match” the defendant’s dental records. A new comprehensive federal report from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), still [...]

By |2022-10-19T14:43:50-04:00October 19th, 2022|Categories: Criminal Charges, Criminal Discovery, Criminal Investigation, Criminal Trial, Discovery, Due Process|Comments Off on More Junk Science – Bitemark Analysis

New Jersey’s Firearms Laws Continue to Change

On June 23, 2022, the Supreme Court of the United States issued a decision that dramatically altered a citizen’s ability to carry a firearm outside one’s home.  New York State Rifle & Pistol Assoc. v. Bruen, No. 20-843, was a challenge to New York State’s Law requiring justifiable need and good cause for an [...]

By |2022-09-27T11:27:33-04:00September 27th, 2022|Categories: Arrest Warrant, Criminal Charges, Criminal Investigation, Federal Courts, Felony, Gun Laws, NJ Superior Courts, Police, Second Amendment|Comments Off on New Jersey’s Firearms Laws Continue to Change

DOJ Reaffirms Aggressive Prosecution of Corporate Crime

Last fall Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco announced the Department of Justice’s more aggressive approach to corporate compliance. In her policy speech this week, she highlighted a series of new policies and warned cooperating companies not to slow walk their disclosures, told prosecutors to speed up their investigations and expanded self-reporting programs throughout the [...]

By |2022-09-21T09:52:36-04:00September 16th, 2022|Categories: Asset Forfeiture, Business Fraud, Criminal Appeals, Criminal Charges, Criminal Investigation, Criminal Trial, Search and Seizure, White Collar Criminal Defense, White-Collar Crime Penalties|Comments Off on DOJ Reaffirms Aggressive Prosecution of Corporate Crime

A Federal Restitution Order Leads to Garnishment of the Defendant’s Bank, Retirement and Stock Accounts

Courts uphold federal government’s ability to seize a convicted defendant’s 401(k) accounts to satisfy an Order of Restitution after a conviction at trial or a guilty plea.

By |2024-08-20T10:19:30-04:00September 1st, 2022|Categories: Asset Forfeiture, Business Fraud, Conspiracy, Convictions, Criminal Charges, Criminal Investigation, Criminal Trial, Falsifying Documents, Federal Computer Fraud and Abuse, Federal Courts, Federal Plea & Sentencing Mitigation, Fraud Charges, Money Laundering, Penalties, Search and Seizure, Securities Fraud|Comments Off on A Federal Restitution Order Leads to Garnishment of the Defendant’s Bank, Retirement and Stock Accounts

Cyber Fraud – Romance Scams on the Rise

Cybercrimes – hacking, phishing, ransomware and the like - are well-known to every user of the internet. We are bombarded weekly with emails and texts claiming that we need to update our passwords, personal profile, and the like. Now comes the rise of what has been called “romance scams”. The typical scheme starts with a [...]

In a Major Reversal, N.J. Attorney General Once Again Allows Police to Pursue Stolen Cars

In response to a dramatic surge in car thefts across New Jersey, State Attorney General Matt Platkin announced today that he is reversing a policy that prevented police officers from pursuing stolen cars. In late 2021, Platkin effected a statewide policy that prohibited police from chasing a stolen car unless they suspected it had been [...]

By |2024-08-18T13:55:35-04:00May 2nd, 2022|Categories: Arrest Warrant, Convictions, Criminal Charges, Criminal Investigation, Due Process, NJ Superior Courts, Plea Bargaining, Police, Prison|Comments Off on In a Major Reversal, N.J. Attorney General Once Again Allows Police to Pursue Stolen Cars

DOJ’s Aggressive Prosecutions of COVID-19 Schemes and Healthcare Fraud Continues

The Department of Justice just announced charges against 21 individuals in a nationwide crackdown of COVID-19 related prosecutions that resulted in $150 million worth of fraud. The schemes were varied and involved medical doctors, medical labs, marketers and others in the healthcare field. For instance, two owners of a lab in California allegedly billed more [...]

What to Do When Federal Agents Come Knocking

It’s 6 a.m. or 8 p.m., your doorbell rings and two people are standing outside holding up their badges and credentials.  They say they are Special Agents with the FBI or IRS and would like to talk with you for just a few minutes about something important.  They ask if they could come in [...]

Attorney General Garland’s Emphasis on White Collar Crime

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that the Department of Justice (DOJ) is planning a hiring spree to investigate and prosecute pandemic related fraud and traditional white collar crimes. President Biden’s budget seeks $3.5 million to hire an additional 120 prosecutors to focus on pandemic related fraud and $325 million for 900 additional FBI [...]

By |2022-09-21T09:55:44-04:00March 10th, 2022|Categories: COVID, Criminal Charges, Criminal Investigation, Criminal Trial, Fraud Charges, Healthcare Fraud, Indictment, Pandemic, White Collar Criminal Defense, White-Collar Crime Penalties|Comments Off on Attorney General Garland’s Emphasis on White Collar Crime

Health Care Prosecutions by DOJ’s Fraud Section

In addition to the 93 U.S. Attorney’s Offices around the country that investigate and prosecute health care fraud, the Fraud Section of the Department of Justice’s Criminal Division based in Washington D.C. has approximately 76 federal prosecutors devoted to such prosecutions. This DOJ Unit targets complex health care fraud involving illegal prescription, distribution and diversion [...]

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