Criminal Charges

When Special Agents with the FBI or IRS question you, you will want the best defense team to help navigate any interviews or subpeonas. Politely tell the agents that while you would like to talk with them, you need to contact your attorney and that they will get back to them.  Ask them for their business cards so that you can give the information to your attorney.  If they don’t have cards, write down their names, agency and contact information.  Do not talk with them about the subject matter of their investigation.  After they leave, contact an experienced criminal defense attorney to discuss your rights, potential exposure and your options.

Federal Bail System – Released on Conditions or Detained Pending Trial – Sean “P. Diddy” Combs

This topic is of particular relevance given the publicity surrounding the indictment, arrest and detention of Sean “P. Diddy” Combs in the Southern District of New York this week.  Both at the Magistrate-Judge at the initial hearing, and the District Court Judge hearing the appeal the following day, held that no conditions of release could assure that [...]

By |2024-09-26T21:06:17-04:00September 19th, 2024|Categories: Bail, Criminal Charges, Federal Courts, Initial Hearing/Arraignment, Preliminary Hearing, White Collar Criminal Defense|Comments Off on Federal Bail System – Released on Conditions or Detained Pending Trial – Sean “P. Diddy” Combs

Why Smaller Boutique Firms Outshine Larger Firms in Criminal Defense

A recent survey of 2023 rates from top firms reveal attorney hourly rate increases of 8-14%.  Notably, top partner rates now range from $2,100 to $2,720 an hour. The bottom partner rates from $1,025 to $1,995 per hour.  Even more telling, first year associates, those lawyers who have just passed the Bar exam and [...]

By |2024-08-22T10:57:51-04:00February 14th, 2024|Categories: Criminal Appeals, Criminal Charges, Criminal Defense Law Firm News, Criminal Investigation, Criminal Trial, White Collar Criminal Defense|Comments Off on Why Smaller Boutique Firms Outshine Larger Firms in Criminal Defense

Defending Federal Bribery and Extortion Charges

When facing the formidable gears of the federal justice system, individuals accused of bribery and extortion are immediately thrust into a complex legal arena where the stakes couldn't be higher. These white-collar crimes carry severe penalties, including hefty fines and significant prison time. In such high-stress, high-stakes situations, securing an experienced criminal defense attorney [...]

By |2024-02-07T11:08:01-04:00February 7th, 2024|Categories: Asset Forfeiture, Bribery, Conspiracy, Criminal Charges, Criminal Investigation, Fraud Charges, Money Laundering, Theft/Embezzlement, White Collar Criminal Defense|Comments Off on Defending Federal Bribery and Extortion Charges

Federal Government May Finally Recognize Marijuana’s Medical Uses

Marijuana has steadfastly been listed by the DEA as a Schedule I Controlled Substance, the most highly restricted category. Schedule I drugs, like heroin, mean that there is no evidence of the drug’s medical efficacy.  As recently as 2016, federal regulators concluded that there was no evidence of currently accepted medical use justifying moving [...]

By |2024-08-20T10:35:29-04:00January 24th, 2024|Categories: Criminal Charges, Drug Crimes/Trafficking, Marijuana|Comments Off on Federal Government May Finally Recognize Marijuana’s Medical Uses

Robert Stahl Interview on Trump’s Fourth Indictment on The Tommy Cetnar Show, AM970 Radio

Tommy Cetnar: We’re back to The Tommy Cetnar Show, August 15th. We’ll get into this special date in our last 10 minutes. Robin, we have a great man here. I’m going to have to read it as is. This former Detective Sergeant, who then went and put himself through law school. Mr. Robert [...]

By |2024-08-20T10:50:39-04:00August 16th, 2023|Categories: Conspiracy, Criminal Charges, Federal Courts, Felony, Fraud Charges, RICO Racketeering|Comments Off on Robert Stahl Interview on Trump’s Fourth Indictment on The Tommy Cetnar Show, AM970 Radio

Newark NJ Federal Court’s Recent Financial Fraud Cases

Although New Jersey is comprised of only one federal district, the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey has federal courthouses in Newark, Trenton and Camden. New Jersey is among the busiest federal courts in the country. A sample of criminal cases involving financial fraud and healthcare fraud before the U.S. District Court [...]

By |2023-08-02T17:15:12-04:00August 1st, 2023|Categories: Criminal Charges, White Collar Criminal Defense|Comments Off on Newark NJ Federal Court’s Recent Financial Fraud Cases

Representing Students in University Hazing Disciplinary Proceedings

By Robert G. Stahl and Laura K. GasiorowskiUniversities around the country have been aggressively investigating hazing. These investigations have been propelled by several tragic events that have resulted in fatalities or serious injuries usually resulting from excessive alcohol consumption. New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signs “Timothy J. Piazza’s Anti-hazing Law” Most university policies, as well [...]

By |2024-08-12T15:38:55-04:00June 21st, 2023|Categories: College, Criminal Charges, Criminal Investigation, Criminal Trial, Education Law, Hazing, NJ Superior Courts, Penalties, University|Comments Off on Representing Students in University Hazing Disciplinary Proceedings

Strangulation Victims Are Seven Times More Likely to Die in Domestic Violence Incidents

Domestic violence cases pose a unique challenge for prosecutors because domestic violence incidents are at once difficult to prosecute, yet extremely common, occurring, on average, about once every eight seconds throughout New Jersey, according to the statistics compiled by the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office. Domestic violence is difficult to prosecute because incidents usually [...]

By |2024-08-20T10:42:16-04:00May 9th, 2023|Categories: Criminal Charges, Domestic Violence, White Collar Criminal Defense|Comments Off on Strangulation Victims Are Seven Times More Likely to Die in Domestic Violence Incidents

Facial Recognition Technology Failures and Wrongful Incarceration

Law enforcement and intelligence agencies around the world use facial recognition technology and other AI in investigations to track targets’ movements and as evidence in prosecutions. While books and movies often portray this technology as highly advanced and foolproof, reality can be quite different.  Recent cases have demonstrated that facial recognition technology is far [...]

By |2023-04-03T13:28:36-04:00April 3rd, 2023|Categories: Arrest Warrant, Criminal Charges, Criminal Investigation, Federal Courts, Felony, NJ Municipal Court, NJ Superior Courts, Police, Privacy|Comments Off on Facial Recognition Technology Failures and Wrongful Incarceration

When Under Investigation, Listen to Your Attorney and Just Remain Silent

Many clients seek counsel after they have been interviewed by federal agents. They spoke with the agents after the agents surprised them at home or work. When asked why they spoke to the agents without contacting counsel first, clients routinely say that they thought it would be a brief interview and that they didn’t [...]

By |2024-08-20T10:09:29-04:00December 1st, 2022|Categories: Attorney-Client Privilege, Criminal Charges, Criminal Investigation, White Collar Criminal Defense|Comments Off on When Under Investigation, Listen to Your Attorney and Just Remain Silent
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