NJ Municipal Court

Facial Recognition Technology Failures and Wrongful Incarceration

Law enforcement and intelligence agencies around the world use facial recognition technology and other AI in investigations to track targets’ movements and as evidence in prosecutions. While books and movies often portray this technology as highly advanced and foolproof, reality can be quite different.  Recent cases have demonstrated that facial recognition technology is far [...]

By |2023-04-03T13:28:36-04:00April 3rd, 2023|Arrest Warrant, Criminal Charges, Criminal Investigation, Federal Courts, Felony, NJ Municipal Court, NJ Superior Courts, Police, Privacy|Comments Off on Facial Recognition Technology Failures and Wrongful Incarceration

Much Needed Reform Coming Soon (Hopefully) to New Jersey’s Municipal Courts

New Jersey, a small but densely populated State, has 21 counties and 565 municipalities. Right now there are 515 Municipal Courts - 316 have individual, stand-alone courts, 173 municipalities share services, while the remaining 76 municipalities have agreed to form 24 separate joint Municipal Courts. Each have their own judges, prosecutors, public defenders, court administrators and staff. Municipal courts handle approximately 6 million cases a year -- motor vehicle summonses, violations of municipal ordinances and minor criminal matters.

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